I had mixed expectations of what I would receive as a result of going through the study. I had been in many studies and could recite the appropriate answers to questions but there was no personal experience of victory accompanying my "head knowledge." But through this study, I came to know God and experience His power to heal me of my anger and shame. J.R.
My life journey before this study was full of stress, panic, fear, sand shame. I did not believe I was worthy of God's love. I have now come to know that I am God's child who is loved by Him, including all my faults and assets. In addition, God use the process of the 12 Steps to deliver me from the bondage of perfectionism and judgment. L.K.
A life-changing study that God used to bring hope and healing into my life. C.W.
I have been a part of Lynn's study, Steps into God's Grace, for two years. This study is different than other studies for me because I was encouraged to get in touch with the "real me" so that I could accept God's grace and love for me. A gradual acceptance of the truth of my limits and imperfections allowed me to receive God's healing and understand His plans for my life in a different way than ever before. This study allowed me to experience restoration in a new, gentler way. R.D.
There are so many good things about this study, it is hard to narrow it down, but what keeps coming to mind is how the study underscored that, because of my sin nature and self-protection, my heart can be so deceitful that I am blind to the things I do that are hurtful to myself and others. L.S.
Through this study, I found that I can trust God with all of me. Now living this side of heaven isn't as scary as it has been! D.H.
This is a powerful, deeply personal and transformative study. S.D